Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I am the world's worst secret keeper. Sanna is my dear dear friend. Yesterday we had this conversation on skype and facebook. The context for this is we have both fallen in love with the Tintin film.

And then, even more excitingly, Sanna asked me to be a part of her crew for an expedition she is putting together:

First mate is sooo much more exciting than maid of honor.

So today I trolled through charity shops, and when I asked in the vintage store if they had a pair of brown plus-fours they had several pairs
(for women no less!). I was brimming with excitement. So Sanna, here is your pair of brown plus-fours, that I'm sending you in the mail today. I'm sorry I couldn't keep it a secret. And I just might have bought myself a pair to match.


abby said...

YOU LOOK JUST LIKE ME IN THIS PHOTO!! Or I look like you but seriously! We look alike!

NJM said...

is it the really broad smile?