Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Minack and St Ives

Being on a semi-holiday in Cornwall, on Tuesday we took a trek to see the Minack Theatre but stopping first in St. Ives along the way.


St Ives is renowned for its artists and authors.  I hadn't read much on the location before we went, but now dearly wish I had. When we arrived, we ate a late lunch in a pub, and then proceeded down to the main thorough fare--a main right on the half-enclosed harbor.  Truly, the situation of it was beautiful, and I'm sure the beaches there were fantastic, but even on a rather wet day, it was jam-packed.  Cars had trouble moving down the streets so many tourists thronged through them, and it wasn't long before Fran and I began to miss the forest for the trees, or in this case, the beauty of the city for all the crowd!

We did enjoy some ice creams.

Because we were so near to Land's End, we thought we'd stop for a look.  It was incredibly fogging with the visibility exceptionally low.  It was after six when we drove up and there attendants were demanding a fortune for parking. We only wanted to see and hurry onto the Minack, but firm in their desire to accrue a fortune, they let us turn around.  It was quite funny and we had a good laugh as I hurriedly took these photos, so perhaps you can understand what a breathtaking spectacle it was being at the very end of the country with no further southerly direction possible.

Finally we wound up at the Minack. Ah, what a breathtaking theatre! Between the World Wars, a lady name Rowena Cade established and built this theatre on the coast of Cornwall shores in order to host Shakespeare's plays.  Built on the verge of a rocky coast, the background is literally the sea.


Here are some pictures of Rowena Cade.  Aren't they just remarkable? I love her hair in the first, and everything about the second. You can read more about her remarkable life here.


These were our seats.  It was misty and there's no protection from the rain, which made the performance all the more exciting.  We bundled up real good for Shakespeare's As You Like It.


This is photo from the scene when Orlando decides to go into the forest of Arden with his loyal man, Adam.  This speech meant a great deal to me in high school and Amanda and I even tried to incorporate it into the bulletin of our graduation!

Orlando famously attempting to woo Gannymede in the stead of his fair Rosalind. (I think I just might name my dog Gannymede...)

The last scene, every one on stage, married, and reconciled.

The cast gives their farewell!

The production we went to see was As You Like It performed by Winchester College players. It was a wonderful performance, not least because it is one of my very favorite plays! I highly recommend going to the Minack, even on an overcast night. Something entirely special!

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