Monday, August 8, 2011

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

-This week I finish my MSc dissertation- woo hoo!
-On Friday we leave for Birmingham to see Fran's Gangan.
-On Saturday we go see Wigan play at home and then head to London.
-On Sunday we depart with Fran's family for a full week in Verona: my family vacations were at the beach or the mountains. Over here its so cheap, once the kids are older loads of people just go to Spain or France or Italy. So cultured. My goal in Verona is to read Shakespeare work associated with the city. Apparently there's lots of sailing, tennis, and hiking where we'll be staying. All in all, v. excited!
- On returning, we spend a few days in Birmingham then a few days in Bursledon
- We then head to Cornwall for a week with Fran's family. My goal there is to work up the courage to go surfing.
- On Saturday September 3 is the Regetta in Bursledon: come!!
- After that, we head back up to Edinburgh after a 3-week hiatus, where I will resume my post as a nanny and later that fall I'll begin to commute to Durham one or two days a week for this PhD.

During this time, one of my goals is to learn to knit. Determined. I really want to learn how to make Mrs. Weasley sweaters as Christmas presents.

These are the plans just now, and I have a whole stack of reading to tackle within these 3 weeks. Of them include:
-One Day, David Nicholls: set in Edinburgh on the street Fran used to live on.
-Night, Elle Wiesle. Recommended to my by my mama, on an experience in WWII.
-The Caged Lion, William Manchester: a biography of Winston Churchill on his early years. Have been wanting to read more about him for years now.
-The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera. This has been so quoted and referenced in popular culture, I find this a large deficit in my education.
-For September, my goal is to read all the Medieval Literature I haven't yet, but ought to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Will you send me a Weasley sweater?