Friday, July 27, 2012


RIB: Rigid Inflatable Boat

We took advantage of the good weather and hit the Southampton waters.  Even gathered courage and went swimming in ocean water! (One of my many fears.)  I will just say, later that afternoon, I encountered my greatest fear. Fran and I were flopping outside the bunny run, when Fran jumped up because a snake had just slithered on him.  Needless to say, I am petrified, start hollering, try to find a hoe to kill the dern thing. Nevermind it's about the size of my middle finger, it's a grass snake, and as they are incredibly rare (so I'm told) I'll never see one again in England: I want blood and wish they had a gun around the house so I could shoot it.  I begin wondering what the firearms policy is in England and the chances of letting a gun-happy Southern girl have one, when Fran has to practically carry me up the stairs and give me a shot of morphine to calm me down. Ok. So maybe I just searched for a hoe, but I keep imagining it in my room and I don't sleep well at night wondering what else might be lurking in the recesses of those shutters.

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