Thursday, July 26, 2012


1. Lunch with Allison --my sisters old housemate-- on Southbank.  UNC ties even in London!
2. Skate park
3. Book market!! In which I buy three works of poetry.
4. Thames
5. Tate's new exhibit in the gallery-- FLASH MOB. SHeesh, it scared me to death.
6. Fran boarding ferry to go to Greenwhich
7 + 8.  London bridge decked for the Olympics.
9. Greenwhich
10. Professor Karen, enjoying the sun
11. Anna dancing at Laben.


We travelled up to London to see Anna (Fran's sister) performing her final year recital with her dance school at Laben.  The sun poured down on us; we had a lovely meal in an old brewery to celebrate a birthday; we headed to Laben to watch Anna dance -- all 11 of us! Anna even stole a lead in one of her pieces so pretty proud and drove back through London to So'ton late late at night.  I will be impressed by anyone who can drive through London, especially if you are sans GPS.

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