Bunzos, as F likes to call them. The bunnies are now happily situated in a hutch outside next to the garden wall.
They like the space outside and the chance to eat more green things. They love the tall grass. However to let them run around the garden, I must put them on leads and they dislike putting these on and off. But they love the freedom it gives them.
However, I have noticed things that begin to distress me. My handling of the rabbits in a hutch is only to pick them up or down and rabbits HATE being held. I'm afraid I'm being associated with a bad-guy. Second, to train the rabbits to come when called or eat off your lap you must sit down and spend time, but these rabbits don't want much to do with me when they have so much space. Hoping to have them as house bunnies again one day.
Each day I've let them run around the garden for 20 minutes, generally about dusk. They seem to love this, and then I feed and water them. It gives me discipline in my day and routine I didn't have before, which is a good thing.
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