Wednesday, November 7, 2012

how I (h)ate lunch

Last night I really wanted to see the president elected. I kept thinking, I just have to stay awake until Ohio, because Ohio always decides elections. But no. I was fated to get a fever at 9.03 and by 10.12 I was asleep.  I woke up to the news and facebook statuses of elated and disappointed citizens. It made me feel I spend too much time on the computer. I want to spend less there. Here's to one-hour a day, pal. And having a fever all day has made me a bit delirious and I keep thinking I'm not actually in my body. I also went to the nurse and she gave my inhalers, and she was really lovely.  Her name was Jane, and I like the name Jane. It made being sick better. I also am aware I need to read more. Much more and work harder than I am.  Knowing someone who works an 8-5 each day makes me feel pretty lazy, and makes me want to be a better person.  Here's to that. Here's to reading well and making the most of my time. Here's to finding lunches that I don't despise so I can go into the library each day and work like a pro. I hate lunches. Well not lunches, sandwiches.  Sandwiches are the bane of my existence. Only if I make them. If someone else makes them, I'm alright. Usually.  I also think PhD students at one of the top three universities in the UK should get an office space that at least has a microwave. My tuition I'm sure would cover that and a person to monitor it to make sure no other humanities students came in to use the room. And food blogs. Those are just gross. No, I don't like looking at pictures of food in my spare time. Hello, lunch, why yes, I think I will skip you today. Yes, I probably will take up smoking instead. I need a few more vices, anyway. Cheers.

Sandwhiches: yes or no? XO

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