Saturday, October 8, 2011



In real life, mice are not this cute.

We have mice in our flat. It's not an infestation, but a lowly fact of life living in a tenement connected to other buildings with miles of space between the walls, unstopped, unchecked, for mice to burrow in. Our flat is unable to be properly sealed off due to the brilliant work of the builders, and thus from time to time, while we are watching a movie, we'll see a head peep out from under the oven. There is something incredibly shocking about such a live rodent alive in your presence.

We've tried all sorts of traps, but the only ones that work are the glue traps. We used to put these traps out for lizards in Singapore, but mostly, the lizards escaped and all that would be left was a tail. With mice, these work, but don't kill the mouse for you, so from time to time, we come down to make breakfast only to find our visitor caught on the glue pad.

It's really horrendous to seem them still alive. It'd be much easier to just not look, but thats even more cruel. We realize we have to kill the mice otherwise we'd be overrun and unsafe for us to live in. None of us like it, but we've devised a method of killing them. I think I personally realized it was essential when after a long day, I ran up our four flights of stairs and was desperate to pee. I raced into the bathroom and was halfway through before I realized that in a trap set out in the bathroom were not one, but two mice stuck on a trap just inches away from my feet! I think it was all I could do to get out of there without wetting myself.

Today I killed my first mouse. Here is how it goes:

1. Large box filled with heavy things, usually books.
2. Wrap box in garbage bag.
3. Put on wellies.
4. Pick up box.
5. Either throw box on mouse, or stand on top and drop. I personally can't do the stand and drop, so I throw and hope I aimed well.
6. Remove box, leaving garbage bag down.
7. Wrap remains in garbage bag and bring downstairs to dumpster.

The good thing is its instantaneous and the mouse is no longer in pain or frightened. The bad thing is you actually have to do the killing, which is not fun. I wish they weren't so smart as to evade the ready-set-kill traps that would allow my soul not to be so tarnished. However, today I could only go so as far as to kill the mouse and not clean it up. Both take an emotional expenditure that I just couldn't muster.

1 comment:

heather said...

weep! but well done, good and faithful servant.

also, i heard a rumor about something you can plug into the wall that lets out a really high pitch sound that scares mice away...