This is me outside Durham Cathedral when I studied abroad in 2009

This is the University, which used to be a Castle, one of the first William the Conqueror built after the invasion

Although not a very good picture, this is the interior courtyard of the University. The ivy crawling up the wall reminds me of magic.
I received a tremendously exciting email last week. During the spring, I finally figured out what I'd love to work on-- magic and the supernatural in Medieval Romances, focusing on the how such a Christian society, indoctrinated in the views that magic is evil, loved and incorporated magic and the supernatural within their stories. The only person to really tackle this subject is Corinne Saunders who happened to be at Durham University. I finessed my proposal and sent it off pleading to work under her. She sent me an email a little less than a month after I had turned it in telling me herself she'd be pleased to work with me this fall! Just now I have a conditional offer which means I have to pass my masters first. And at this point, even though its due very shortly, I'm not so sure that will happen. Keep me in your thoughts and if you want to see how super-awesome and well-renowned my advisor is check out her profile page at Durham University-- >here.
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