Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear Avett Brothers

Dear Avett Brothers,
You're coming to Glasgow and going to see you would be like a bit of home as you're from Concord and I'm from Waxhaw and that basically makes us family. But somethins changed. Maybe its fame and money and stuff, but now the what you sing isn't as personal and funny. You're not the same guys that did Doc Watson covers when I was back in highschool. Listening to you now is a bit like putting soy sauce on my butter beans. Do you remember when I used to write you love letters? Or the time at the NC State homecoming where everybody left after you played cuz no one wanted to see the 'final act' as you were so good. And the police man yelled at us cuz they didn't want us jumping fences to dance in the standing section? If you get around to coming home, lemme know. Its a tough call, but I think I'll give you a miss in Glasgow as I and Love and You broke my heart real bad and I'm just not ready to meet up again. Give me back those November Blues and I'm yours, for ever and ever and ever,

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