Monday, January 21, 2013

When at home (mostly home)

Over Christmas:

When I arrived home, these two drove me to Greenville,

in order to see this one.

Lots of quality time with the dog.

And lots of quality time with a cup of (real) eggnog.

Santa brought some killer presents.

We spent time with childhood friends (and neighbors).

We attended this wedding for church friends,

and celebrated with happy sisters.

We hosted a bachelorette party,

in honor of this one's wedding (!)

enjoyed with these wonderful siblings.

We drove to see this mema

And drove to see this mom-mom.

We drove through Amish countryside,

in order to see this cousin (among others!).

And drove to Georgia to see this cousin (among others!).

I trekked down to Greenville to see Abby and have a proper American burger,

and browsed record stores.

And of course delighted to see friends, long absent.

[photos taken by Abby, Mitchell, Mom, Jayne Zook, Eve McTurk, and Sharon Miller]

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