Sunday, November 11, 2012

Flights and faulkner

Newcastle Upon Tyne
Hello! This last week the memories that stick out is going to Newcastle.  Once to see Fran and once to go onwards and upwards as we flew to Southampton for the weekend.  We were meant to see the Civil Wars, but when the cancelled, we decided to go down anyway. It was such a good weekend. Changing cities is slow and arduous, and going back to Southampton was familiar and reassuring.  When we walked in the door, the chocolate lab Fly yelped and ran right to me, and my heart might have welled a little bit. After all, we did spend all summer together.  It was relaxing, spent with may cups of tea, fall walks, memorizing poetry, fires, and reading.  On Saturday night, we all went out for dinner which was good fun and good eats. But somehow I now have an ear infection and last night I spent most of it awake in excruciating pain debating whether or not to go to A&E. But the night soon turned to day and nothing is as bleak in the day, especially when there's a Sunday roast in the oven for a Sunday lunch. I love the tradition of Sunday lunch. The flight home proved treacherous (but not fatal) to my ear and tomorrow will go for round two to the doctors to see if I can wrestle some anti-biotics from them.

I finished some Faulkner this weekend, and missed so much my UNC course in American Literature. Or someone from the South to discuss it with.  The weekends have proved easy breathing space, but the weeks-- in facing them I usually feel like I leap up for one large gulp of air and hold my breath until the week is out.  Hope you're weekend was flipping fabulous and you're weeks just as good! xo

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