Friday, October 26, 2012

tutorials, elections, and fall

tree on my two-hour detour home

1. I taught my first tutorials. They were wonderful! I absolutely loved it and would find so much joy in just doing that for the rest of my life. We discussed Genesis 1-3. Can't believe I get paid to do this. Academia, you might not be a mistake yet.

2.  I mustered up all the courage I possess to run for Livers Out Rep in my College MCR. Yup. And no one else ran, so they were kind enough to vote me in.  I am now part of the EXEC and it's going to be a lot of fun.

3. I got my hair cut. Probably shorter than I would have liked, but she did a lovely job and it feels wonderful.  Not been cut in eight months. Won't even describe the nests of knots my hair had. Char Lloyd, a friend from UNC, used to say that getting a hair cut marked change in one's life, a turning point. I believe it. Feel better already.

4. Letter today from Heather Johnson. Didn't even know she had my address. Might have jumped to the moon and back was so excited.

5. First MCR Formal for me this term. Hooray to gowns, and high tables, and three course meals, and my lovely and friendly MCR. [Real life Harry Potter? Methink yes.]

6. Took a rather longer route to get back home today and got so flipping lost I nearly made it to Sunderland. Seriously, there were signs. And the road kept winding left and I needed to wind right, but the farmer's field was completely unforgiving. If guns were more prevalent in the UK I might have been worried.

7. It snowed today. For about 45 minutes. I got stuck in it. You couldn't tell now to look at it now that it snowed, but my gracious is it cold. Hats and gloves, where art thou?

8. Just went to make some cornbread, but didn't have the right pan. Pretty sure I'm going to dream about cast iron tonight.  I also haven't had sweet tea in 140 days. Hope my blood doesn't run dry. Can't wait to get me home and right these atrocities. Old North State, you are home.

This weekend may or may not include me dressing as an 80's zombie, watching the SkyFall premiere, repotting an herb garden, seeing friends from Iona, and Durham Food Festival. Hope you're well and enjoying the fall--that is now fast becoming winter. xo

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