Tuesday, June 19, 2012

In Scotland and Durham

Coming back to Scotland from the States has been an easy reacquainting.  Friends have come to visit, really lovely people, friends of friends, curled up in pillows and blankets like we're 12 years old and at a sleepover. A hasty trip down to Durham to meet the landlord. My new flat is going to be so lovely. It's much smaller, but will be cozy.  The weather has dumped months worth of rain in three days, leaving the city clean. It reminds me of a clear-all tablet. We celebrated Alex's birthday on Wednesday at Illegal Jacks which, if you chose their pork option, is the closest thing I've ever had to Southern BBQ here. I cried when I tasted it, it was so delicious. Home group, a church picnic. And many, many trips up Arthur's Seat. On Saturday, it was full of rain, and it was shrouded in cloud, and Fran and I looked at each other and said, yes let's. And we climbed it and ascended into cloud and found wild fox gloves (which are poisonous) and water descending in tiny streams. All my lovely housemates have moved out (the last one on Thursday) and it's now just me and people I don't know, which makes me ready to leave. Yesterday I packed up an entire suitcase. That and the internet has been down. Felix's fur is now so ridiculous that slugs get stuck and rolled up in it, and we desperately need a hedgehog for that back garden to eat the nasty slugs. I am looking forward to Fran's graduation, a graduation ball, and camping in the Lake District. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to Holy Rood Abbey or any of the people here, especially Thing 1 and Thing 2.  I have just finished reading Slaughter House 5. Poh-ta-weet. 

1 comment:

Sanna said...

Wonderful, wet, wild, and weepy Scotland. We never did go to Arthur's seat.